The 3rd time is the charm (09/26/2016)

Now that the last major update for clementime was already 3 years ago, we’re particularly pleased to be able to report news from the engine room. Since last night, clementime 3.0 is officially online. With this release, we not only prettied clementime a bit within the past year, but we also rebuilt it from scratch. In doing so, we were able to include several feature requests of our users by implementing new functionalities in some places and optimizing existing features. Thanks again at this point for your continuous and incentive feedback. We hope you have a lot of fun with the new clementime!

Comments, criticism, questions? Then get in touch with us on Facebook, Twitter or send us an email to

Happy Users

I’ve been playing with clementime for 30 minutes, and I can already tell it’s going to transform my business.
Really valuable for me, being self employed and doing a ton of things per day, in the evening, in the weekends.
We’ve been working with clementime for years now and we’re still more than happy with it!
Wow! Exactly what I’ve always wanted with a nice design.
It’s simple and amazingly flexible.