Here is a collection of frequently asked questions around clementime. Please read everything carefully, if you’ve a specific question. Probably it was already asked by someone before you and you’ll find an answer here.
Time-tracking-tools are cumbersome and difficult to handle. We therefore developed an easy-to-use, web-based solution. With clementime, freelancers and small businesses can invoice and plan their time much easier.
clementime is a portmanteau consisting of the both words »clementine« and »time«. We have chosen this name because it’s easy to remember and provides a high value of brand recognition. The appropriate, awesome logo was designed by Kyle Ruane.
Determining a price for a product is usually difficult, because there are two types of user-views: while one half complains, that other time tracking tools are available much cheaper, other users criticize, that clementime is actually offered far too cheap. So we’ve already spent a lot of time (in other projects) with price-discussions, discount-negotiations and especially with »Just make me an offer!«.
Therefore we’ve sourced out the price-determination to our users and played the ball back easily. Since neither our server simply fall from the sky nor our developers can work for free, we’ve chosen to allow our users to choose a price at which they’re under the impression that they’re paying us fairly. This question of the valence is the one, that goes usually too short.
No. We believe that one shouldn’t always be afraid of everything, but sometimes just should dare something. Usually people surprise one. In a positive way.
clementime is financed solely by voluntary fees paid by our users.
By being able to use clementime with multiple users, we decided to use central accounts with its own URL that users associated with the account can use to log in. A concrete example: The company »Demo Ltd.« would create an account with the easy-to-remember account-URL ''. Users would then be all employees of Demo Ltd. – for example »John Doe« and »Joe Bloggs«. If you use clementime alone, you still must create an account and a user.
Yes, any connection between you and our servers is encrypted by default. HTTPS is always active, just like in online-banking.
Your data will be backed up several times a day to several international servers. Due to this geographical distribution over the entire globe, we can still access backups if one or more backup servers are not available, for example due to a natural disaster. With clementime you can sleep at night knowing that your data is secure.
Of course you can always download a complete backup of your data in JSON-/CSV-format by selecting the 'export'-tab in your account-administration.
The clementime-application servers are located in high-security-data-centers in Germany and Switzerland. Our backup-servers are besides Germany and Switzerland located in England, the United States of America, Ireland, Austria, Sweden, France, Iceland, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.
Your data is your data. They are neither used personalized evaluated for promotional or other purposes nor disclosed to third parties.
To improve clementime, we’ll analyze some previously anonymized data for statistical reasons purposes. This includes for example the number of time-entries, projects, services or clients.
In addition, we collect and store information, which is provided by your web-browser to us automatically (such as your operating system or browser type), in our server-log-files. This makes it possible for us to adjust clementime to certain properties of your web-browser to ensure an optimal representation. These data will be deleted after a statistical analysis. For more detailed informations, we recommend you to take a look at our privacy policy.
Yes, we use bcrypt
to store several passwords.
clementime works fine on all up-to-date major browsers on Windows, Mac OS and Linux.
(Firefox 30+, Safari 9+, Internet Explorer 11+, Chrome 40+, Opera 30+)
No, clementime is only available as a Web application hosted on our servers at the moment and in the future. We believe in centralized infrastructure – as well from user’s as developer’s perspective.
No, unfortunately this isn’t possible at the moment.
clementime is based on a self-developed PHP-framework that is tailored to the requirements of clementime. MySQL is used for databases. Our Debian-based servers potter around using Apache and nginx. Git established as version-control during development.
No, you can cancel your account at any time without a catch. Our self-conception is to create client loyalty through good services, not through long-term contracts.
Users with administrative rights can cancel an account with immediate effect in the administration under the 'Cancel'-tab. Individual users can be deleted in the team-management.
You decide, whether and how much you want to pay for clementime. But don’t worry: clementime is and will remain free. Unfortunately, however, neither our servers fall from heaven nor can our developers work free of charge – we therefore allow you to choose a price with which you’ve the impression that you pay us fairly.
If you’ve absolutely no idea, how much you could reasonably pay for your clementime-account, we suggest you to choose an amount between 3 and 5 € per month per user. Then you’re in an interval, where other vendors start to offer time-tracking-packages with comparable equipment. You’re also not determined to pay this amount for ever: You can determine each month, how clementime is worth to you.
If you’re short on cash, don’t hesitate to pay less: It’s more important to us that you can easily create reports of your working-hours tailored to your requirements instead of insisting on a fixed amount. If you don’t have to be too spare on the other hand, we’re happy if you voluntarily pay more.
We accept bank transfer and PayPal.
Of course, you’ll receive a proper invoice with VAT included.
You can use clementime alone, in a small team or with any number of employees.
Yes, clementime has a comprehensive rights-system. Team-managers decide, whether a user is allowed to create time-entries, view reports and manage projects, services or clients.
There are no technical restrictions, just add as many users as you want and need to.
Currently clementime is available in English and German, so that foreign colleagues can easily orient themselves and time-tracking works smoothly in international teams. A Frensch and Spanish version is already being planned.
Yes, you can unlock a special access for your clients on project-level. He can view the time-entries of individual projects through a secret link, but not change them.
clementime supports several different syntaxes for providing the duration of a time-entry. The following input-variants are available for a period of 1 hour and 30 minutes.1:30
(hours: minutes)1.5
(with dot)1,5
(with comma)1100 1230
(time)11:00 12:30
If you use the time-input-variant, the starting and ending point are automatically saved for later reference.
By adding a +
(plus sign) at the end of the duration, an automatic server-side timer is started.1.5+
starts a stopwatch with 1.5 hours start-value+
or 0+
starts a new stopwatch
By adding a *
(asterisk character), a multiplier is applied. This functionality can be used to create identical time entries for a specific number of days. The multiplier is limited to a maximum of 30 days.1,5 * 5
Creates a time entry with 1.5 hours for the following 5 days (including the current day)
Each stopwatch is running on server side. You can close your web-browser or shut down your computer: The stopwatch is running until you go back and stop it manually.
Yes, by clicking on the time entry, you can edit the entry subsequently.
You can filter your time-entries in the report-section and apply roundings to the filtered results. Here you have the possibility to round to the next quarter hour, half hour or full hour.
Budgets with 80% usage or higher are rated as critical.
All reports except the overview can be freely filtered as needed. At the beginning of each list you can see a corresponding filter-box in which you can set your desired filter settings.
Currently clementime supports Australian dollar, Canadian dollar, Czech koruna, Danish kroner, Euro, Hungarian forint, Japanese yen, New Zealand dollar, Norwegian kroner, Pound sterling, Swedish kronor, Swiss franc, Thai baht and U.S. dollar.
Yes, in order to use clementime on your smartphone to track your working-times on the go, no additional download is necessary. Just open your usual login address (https://yourteam on your smartphone – thats it. clementime automatically recognizes your device and serves a therefor optimized mobile version. Now you can take clementime with you in your pocket and track working-times on the go – no matter where you’re and what you’re working on.
You can add the mobile clementime-version as a WebApp to your home-screen. This onetime-process is straight forward: Once you’ve opened your usual login-address (https://yourteam, press the arrow-icon placed which you can find in the middle of the footer, and then confirm the dropdown-menu-item »Add to Home Screen«. You can choose a concise description (e.g. »clementime«) in the last step there. As of now you can access the time-tracking with a tap from the home-screen. Of course, the link can be removed at any time.
clementime works fine on all up-to-date major smartphone-browsers on Android, iOS, and Windows Phone.
The abbreviation »API« stands for »application programming interface«, therefore a programming-interface through which data can be exchanged and processed. clementime provides such an interface to allow developers of external applications to link clementime independently with other applications. Thus clementime-time-entries can be for example further processed to invoices by applications of independent third-parties or recorded automatically.
To avoid requiring users to disclose their clementime-login-information (e-mail address and password) for using independent third-party-applications, clementime uses so-called API-keys for authentication. These keys are 15 characters long and unique for each user.
By generating a new API-key, your old API-key will lose validity. Applications using this API key can no longer access your account after that.
Yes, for the sake of reliability, we’ve placed some limits. These limits alleviate some of the strain on the behind-the-scenes part of clementime and reduce downtime and error pages.
At the moment, 150 API-requests per hour and per ip-address are allowed. These limits may be temporarily reduced during periods of heavy site usage. In such cases, we’ll inform you at our blog.
Certified Developer receive an additional API-key that overrides all API limitations on request.
If your questions against expectation shouldn’t have been resolved after reading this page, we’re just a click away.
We’ve been working with clementime for years now and we’re still more than happy with it!
Tried a plethora of different time tracking systems, and without a doubt, clementime is my favorite one.
Quite unlike anything I’ve used before, yet feels like something I’ve needed for a while!
It’s simple and amazingly flexible.
I’ve been playing with clementime for 30 minutes, and I can already tell it’s going to transform my business.